Apr 29, 2012

Skin Care With Gram Flour

Are you looking for natural ways to get rid of dullness and tan? You have stopped by a right place, where you will learn natural ways to get fair and white skin with gram flour. Gram flour is one of the best natural skin whitening agents that help remove the tan and enhances the beauty of skin by making it flawless and smooth. Here are some simple recipes with gram flour that can help you get white and fair skin:

Gram Flour And Raw Milk Mask

Gram flour can be used along with raw milk for fresh and fair skin. You can make a gram flour mask by taking 1 tbsp gram flour along with few drops of lemon and raw milk to make a thick paste. Apply this mask evenly on cleansed skin for 20 minutes. This mask should be applied daily on oily skin. Use milk cream instead of raw milk if you have dry skin.

Gram Flour Honey Mask

While the gram flour is natural whitening agent, honey is a natural moisturizer. Honey does not only hydrates your skin but also removes tan and dullness. You can make a Gram flour Honey Mask by adding 1 tbsp of honey to 1 tbsp gram flour and some rose water. Follow this mask daily for 20 minutes.

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Apr 27, 2012

Skin Care With Tomato

A glowing and flawless skin is all what a girl would like to have! There is a variety of ways to achieve flawless and smooth skin. There are several skin care brands that are producing skin refreshing cosmetics. However, the high quality products are quite expensive and out of the reach of common people. One the other hand, the cosmetics that are cheap, they have low quality and should not be used on skin. The best way for getting refreshed and nourished skin is the use of natural remedies. Tomato is one of the best skin refreshing fruits that help get flawless and fair skin. Here are some simple masks for fair and flawless skin:

Tomato Juice Mask

Tomato juice mask produces cooling effect on your skin. You should apply this mask on your skin for 20 minutes daily. This will bring a youthful glow on your lifeless face.

Tomato & Cucumber Juice Mask

Tomato juice along with cucumber juice make a perfect combination for a healthy and glowing skin. You should apply this mask for 20 minutes daily on cleansed skin.

Drinking tomato juice daily will also help increase the freshness of your skin. It also helps refine the skin pores.

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Apr 16, 2012

Daily Natural Look Make Up

Are you sick of putting on loads of make upto look beautiful? Do you want to give yourself a natural look that is admiredby everyone? If this is what you’re looking for, then you have stopped by theright place. Natural looks do not only make you look younger but also give youa decent appearance. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to create a natural look. Hereare some simple steps that you can easily do
daily to get a fresh and naturallook:

Photo Source: sxc

The first and foremost step in make is selectionof a suitable foundation that matches your natural tint. Do not apply heavylayer that will give you an awkward look. Apply a thin layer of liquid foundationwith brush or fingers in circular movements.


After applying foundation evenly acrossyour face, apply face powder. Loose powder is best for this purpose, as it givesyou a perfect matte look. After applying face powder wipe if lightly withtissue paper to balance or remove any extra powder. Always choose face powdershades that match you complexion.


For a natural look, apply blusher ofnatural tints such as rosy pink, light peach, baby pink etc. you may apply iton nose, middle of forehead, chin and on cheek bones evenly.

Eye linerand eye shade:

Line the inside of eye with black eyeliner. Curl you eye lashes and apply mascara to make them look naturallycurled. Curled eye lashes give you innocent look. Apply an eye shade of brown,beige or any earth tone evenly.


Use lipstick of natural colors such aslight orange, peach, rosy pink. Apply light colors that add natural look toyour face.

Putting loads of make up on your face is notgoing to make you look beautiful. You must learn to wear make up wisely, sothat you can look fresh and youthful all day.

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Apr 13, 2012

How to Do Pedicure at Home?

Photo source: sxc
Our feet are the most useful parts of ourbody. Sometimes, our feet have to bear our tight and uncomfortable shoes forwhole day. These uncomfortable shoes may leave ugly marks on your feet. As feetbear the whole weight of your body all day, they should be greatly taken careof. It is very important to keep your feet neat and clean, as a person’s cleanlinessis reflected in the cleanliness of their feet.

For maintaining the beauty of your feet andto get rid of weariness, you may follow some simple steps at home.

Thingsrequired for pedicure:

For pedicure at home you need the followingthings, which you will not only control the expenses of beauty parlor with but alsodo a pedicure in a perfect way at home:

- Nail cutter
- Nail file
- Cuticle cutter
- Pumice stone
- Moisturizer
- Towel
- Plastic bowl
- Nail paint remover
- Cotton pads
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Liquid soap
- Nail paint
- Nail varnish


- Remove the nail paint with cotton pads dipped in nail paint remover.
- Take a plastic bowl filled with warm water to dip your feet in it.You must add salt and liquid soap in this bowl. Keep your feet in water for 5minutes.
- After 5 minutes rub your heels with pumice stone to remove dirt anddead skin cells.
- Now wipe your feet with towel and apply cuticle oil on nails toclean them. Cuticle or olive oil will soften the dead skin cells and let themremove easily.
- Cut your nails with nail cutter and use a nail file to shape themproperly.
- Now massage your feet with a suitable moisturizer.
- Now wipe your feet with towel to remove moisturizer.
- Apply the nail paint on nails and let it dry for 5 to 10 minutes.
- Apply the nail varnish and let it dry for 15 minutes.

You may repeat this process twice a month. Itwill not only make your feet look beautiful but also let you get rid of your weariness.
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Apr 9, 2012

Get Rid of Puffy Eyes

 Photo source: graurcodrin

Are you sick of puffiness under your eyes? Are you looking for some simple ways to get rid of puffy eyes? You have stopped by the right place! Before you choose a treatment to get rid of puffy eyes, you need to learn what puffiness is and what are its causes? Puffiness is a medical condition in which eyes swell because of various factors. Puffy eyes may be symptoms of several other eye conditions or diseases. Most of the times, puffiness disappears after some time or treatment. Most commonly, puffy eyes cause irritation, blurry vision, discomfort and swelling.

Causes of Puffy Eyes:

Puffy eyes are caused by several factors:

-  Allergies
-  Fluid retention
-  Hormonal changes
-  Emotions
-  Lack of sleep
-  Excessive use of drugs
-  Aging
-  Heredity

Treatments to get rid of puffy eyes:

Puffy eyes make you look older and lifeless. To get rid of puffy eyes, you may follow some simple steps:

-  Wash your eyes with cold water
-  Say no to salty foods with high sodium contents
-  Improve the quality of your sleep
-  Drink lots of water, as it cleans your body systems
-  Use cold slices of cucumber or used tea bags on your eyes.
-  Puffy eye creams are also available on cosmetic stores.
-  If the problem still persists, consult an eye specialist.

You may also get an eye lifter treatment, in which a doctor would tighten up your under eye area. He would melt the fat from under eye area away with a probe, which is electric. After that he would pull your skin tight to make it firm. It is a kind of quick surgery. Dermatological treatments and wrinkle fillers may also help get rid of puffy eyes.
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Apr 6, 2012

How to Prevent Freckles and Pigmentation

Photo Source: sxc

If you wander in hot weather without sunscreen, it means you’re inviting dark spots and freckles to destroy your clear facial skin. Prolong sun exposure of skin without sun screen makes your skin dull and lifeless. Dark spots and blemishes appear on exposed skin causing Hyper Pigmentation. In this process, a chemical substance Melanin plays important role in darkening various parts of skin. If you let your face untreated, your beautiful face will be filled by ugly freckles and brown spots. Working women have to go out in sun often. Women use various creams and lotions to get rid of freckles and pigmentation. Most women start using sun block when they have already destroyed their face with freckles. There are many brands of sun screen, which claim to remove freckles and brown spots; however, many of them produce quick but temporary results i-e when you stop using these sun screens, you will get your freckles and brown spots back.

According to skin specialists, most brands use harmful chemicals in their sun screens and beauty creams to increase the demand of their products. These products work faster, but produce temporary results with lots of side effects. A break in the use of these creams and lotions would bring your marks and brown spots back. That is why, it is very important to use a well known and reliable sun screen. Whenever you go for purchasing a sun screen, always read the ingredients first. Check either the ingredients are safe or not. Some brands use harmful ingredients such as mercury and harmful acids that will ultimately destroy your skin by making it thin. Here are some simple tips for the prevention of freckles and pigmentation:

-Avoid going out in sun as much as you can.
-Use a proper sun screen SPF 30
-Wear long clothes, full sleeves and trousers, while going out in sun.
-Wear hat and sun glasses.
-Drink lots of water.
-Eat fruits and drink fruit juices.

The only solution to keep your skin from freckles and pigmentation is to use sun screen before these marks appear on your skin.

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Apr 3, 2012

Simple tips for healthy skin

Photo source: graur codrin
kin is the largest organ of your body thatprotects inner organs from several infections. A healthy and glowing skin is consideredthe sign of beauty. Most girls look for easy and simple ways to get healthyskin, because they lack time for intensive skin care. You just need to adopt asimple skin care routine for preventing several skin problems and delayingnatural aging process.


Facial cleansing is the first step in skincare routine. Facial cleansing is very important, as it removes the dirt and extraoil from skin pores, leaving fresh and clean skin behind. You may choose a propercleanser that suits your skin type. Before you choose a facial cleanser foryour skin you must check for your skin type. Basically, there are three typesof skins i-e oily, dry or combination skin. Choose your facial cleanseraccording to your skin type. Facial cleansers are easily available at cosmeticstores. You may also buy them online.

Exfoliationand scrubbing:

Exfoliation is another important step indaily skin care routine. The main purpose of exfoliation and scrubbing is toremove dead skin cells and bring the new skin out. When the dead skin layer isremoved, new fresh and healthy skin layer comes out. If you exfoliate your skinregularly fine lines will be reduced and skin will retain adequate moisture tokeep it fresh and youthful. Exfoliating creams are available at cosmetic storesand online shops.


Moisturizing your skin with a suitablemoisturizer is very easy. Most people have a misconception that oily skin doesnot need moisture; however, this is just a myth. You may choose moisturizer accordingto the type of skin you own.

Avoidsun exposure:

One of the major causes of premature skinaging is sun exposure. Sun damages your skin making it look dull and lifeless. Itis extremely important to wear a suitable sunscreen and avoid prolong sunexposure.


Your diet puts a direct effect on your skintexture. Most skin problems happen because of unhealthy eating habits and wrongfoods. Avoid oily foods because they cause pimples and acne problems. Drinking freshjuices and lots of water would definitely make your skin look fresh andhealthy. Avoid depression and take adequate sleep. Try to stay happy with whatyou have and what you are!

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